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  • Treffer 1
  • Treffer 1

Cascade Nozzle

The special shape of the multi-faceted water image is very similar to a natural geyser. Depending on the water level, the suction effect displaces the jet with more or less air. A moving water surface also ensures an irregular supply of air, creating a swirling, voluminous fountain. This effect is reinforced by using several cascade nozzles.

Wind resistance
Noise development
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➥ depending on the water level
➥ wide, high-energy beam
➥ slightly conical shape
➥ adjustable angle of inclination by up to 15°

Depending on the water level

This nozzle is dependent on the water level. The montage in relation to the water level changes the picture or the character of the effect.

Adjustable angle of inclination

The adjustable angle of inclination of 15° from the central axis ensures maximum flexibility and appealing water images.

Cascade Nozzle 1″Cascade Nozzle 2″
Thread1″ Inner2″ Inner
Weight (kg)0.2720.880
Item NumberAIM-FN028-1AIM-FN028-2

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